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One of the wonderful parts of executive management is having the chance to grow your organization or business with a sense of purpose and direction into the future. Applying the experience of what is done into a vision for the future is an exercise that often makes all the work worth while. Unfortunately, people don't often make the time or take the trouble to accomplish this most important task. We can help.

Key Benefits

  • Nurture and stimulate the development of a global vision

  • Organize and structure the process for developing a strategic plan

  • Meet with board, staff, consumers, other interested parties to develop the agenda

  • Manage the process to develop a plan; coordinate meetings, structure activities, facilitate dialogue

  • Distill deliberations into practical goals

  • Prepare a succinct and useful report on the findings


Building consensus about any effort which may impact on the way people conduct their business is a difficult task. As an outside resource, we can ask the tough questions, and examine the results in an objective way.  By integrating guidance from all levels, the results can reflect the best input from all parties involved in the process. Facilitating discussion, generating interest, and identifying barriers are what we do in this and in all our work. In this most important function, the process is carefully focused to build confidence in the stakeholders and their future as operating partners.


A single document outlining all of the critical areas of business development and the practices, events and activities that would make the business more efficient and better able to grow toward a defined future.

How can we help you?

Please use the following contact information to let us know how we can serve the needs of your business.

Contact Information

Telephone: 212-362-1460
Fax: 212-362-1830
General Information:

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002 Alan H. Bernstein Consulting, LLC
Last modified: April 21, 2002